Charity List -  Payment
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For secure online payment to a charity of your choice in the UK, please use the relevant link below that will direct you to the charity website you require.
Many people are interested in considering children's charities  for a charitable donation. To find out about whether this may be for you, take a look.
If you are keen to donate to a leading UK charity, then we make some helpful suggestions for you to consider if you have not decided exactly what you plan to do.
Some vital cancer research simply cannot occur without the support of donations from the general public. Please do consider a cancer charity.
We advise anyone in a hurry to go direct to our main website that provides information about and direct links to most of the UK's leading charities. To find a charity UK for you, take a look.
To learn a bit more about child sponsorship, you may want to have a look at this page from one of our other (somewhat similar graphics!) sites.
If you will be making a donation online, it is possible to do this with confidence via the charity's secure online payment systems. Click for more.
Many people look for a specific registered charity to donate to. That is fine. We can help you with that. Just utilize the link in this box and all will be revealed!